Regard your costly health or share it with different person. Your blood can save someone’s life.

Regard your costly health or share it with different person. Your blood can save someone’s life.

presently we hear a lot of about blood donation. It is more needed at hospital in a lot of quantities. increasingly people decide help unwell person which is great gesture among people. Blood donation is called respectable because it is unsolicited and voluntary action.

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Autor: Wellness GM

Giving even blood, donor is tasted in each case by doctor, who, if there are valid anomalies may refer to the appriopriate health center in order to be treated. How we see, in this case we can save our health. It is likely recognize for example hypertension. people, who gain “honorary blood donors” (wemen, who have given anyway 5 litres blood and men, who have given not less 6 litres blood) entitled toll-free drug which donor can use in matter giving blood. Honorary blood donors in some spaces may be entitled discounts for public transport or title to toll-free rides. Blood donor can be mighty person, between 18-65 years old, who weigh anyway 50 kilograms. The most frequent asked issue is: what we need to do to donate blood? The morning you have to eat light meal, you must not smoked and drink alcohol.

Later you go to donation point with your evidence, fill enquiry and wait for blood test. If you will be qualified, you can donate blood, what lasts about 7 minutes. It is not risky to the health (see cichon) of an average adult. at present, when you take part in blood donation, you get sick leave so as take a rest in case bad muse. After blood donation everybody get few sweets or something chocolates. It is reason for lovers sweets, do not you think? usually at the university there are action related to blood donation. This acts make a spreading this free act among youth and getting rid of fears. If you decide to blood denation, you will see how extraordinary atmosphere is in the part of blood point.

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Autor: Bird&Co Sp. z.o.o.
Źródło: Bird&Co Sp. z.o.o.

People smile, banter…you will not be frightened for sure. You do not be afraid of side effect cause everything is done under sterile quantities. In the world, in the Poland is a great demand for blood. ordinary are many accidents and blood transfusion surgery then your blood is really needed. Finally, perhaps the most significant thing- the amazing personal satisfaction from make a good deed and to provide assistance for needy. After all, not everyone has chance to save life everyday!

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